Our new school goals – 2016-2019

IMG_0172This year the school has seen a considerable amount of growth and development. We have just completed our four-year review which has been a year long process consulting with staff, students and parents.  Our review panel day included an independent reviewer, school staff, a school council member, our SRC and three other Department of Education and Training leaders.

The review day went particularly well, with deep discussions about the continued high degree of emphasis on quality teaching and learning. Our teachers have gained increased knowledge to progress student learning, and our students have learnt to be more accountable of their own learning goals and next steps. We will continue with this good work and build these aspects of teaching and learning into our future goals.

Peer Review Report
Our goals for 2016 – 2019 are:

Student Achievement:

To improve the learning growth of every student with a focus on numeracy and writing

Student Engagement:

For all students to be confident, motivated and challenged


To foster a cohesive school learning community where every student thrives and feels safe and connected


To manage and align the allocation of the existing resources according to school goals and priorities and identified student needs.

These four goals will help to drive the work and improvement strategies over the nest four years. The School Council met and has agreed to take accept these recommendations from the review panel.

Which step have you reached today?

mals_which_step_have_you_reached_todayEvery day is a new day and with more things to learn and more things to try.  As a principal I do not know everything and sometimes I wonder if I can actually do the work I need to do!  Sometimes I might start the day thinking I can’t but mostly I think I can 🙂

Students experience a range of these thoughts throughout the day.  As educators we encourage our students to do the best they can and to give things a go.  We teach them not to give up and to think about new ways of doing things if they get stuck.

The graphic above is a great reminder of the steps we can make to reach our goals.